Thanks to
  • The Belgium Trek Association
    For their sensible questions they asked at the guest panels and for telling us the secret of the Star Trek tapes being released in Belgium two months earlier than in the rest of Europe.
  • Andy James
    For giving us the permission to mirror his Convention Review on this site.
  • Silja Alsmeyer
    For her consulting help in the translation of these pages.
Heiko Küst Jochen Kugele
Heiko Küst Jochen Kugele
Date of birth 10.12.1970 1.9.1970
Studies Chemical
our favourites
Star Trek
The original series
"The city at the edge of forever" "Let that be our last battlefield"
Star Trek
The next generation
"Yesterday´s Enterprise" "The offspring"
Star Trek
Deep Space 9
"Duet" "The die is cast"
Star Trek
"Emanations" "Emanations"
Star Trek Motion Picture Generations First Contact

eMail eMail

YOU may have noticed that our collection of celebrities' pictures is still improvable. So If you like these pages and you took a couple of snapshots in London then please contact us. The releases will be honoured with special credits.

YOU may ask yourself what kind of purpose this particular page serves. Honestly we don`t exactly know. Perhaps we simply wanted to use this specially designed background tile. Or we had the desire to show our faces in this presentation together with the actors.
As a matter of fact we feel quite proud of designing these pages which took us about two weeks (which isn`t indeed very long). So please tolerate this little selfishness.

EVERY single page of this Generations II presentation has been tested with different operating systems, resolutions and color depths. Anyway If you find misprints or things that look strange then please send a complaint-eMail.

THIS presentation doesn`t have any commercial purposes. It may be read and used freely.